Author: dutchytech

Huawei and Samsung neck and neck in 5G smartphones

According to Strategy Analytics, Huawei and Samsung vie for the number one position in the world for 5G smartphones in 2019 with deliveries of 6.9 and 6.7 million units, respectively. Together, they capture 73% of this new market. The story is expected to be different in 2020. Samsung was expected to be the top seller

Alienware unveils a new version of its Alienware 25 gaming monitor

To be able to enjoy your video games on PC in the best conditions, a good gaming monitor is necessary. Manufacturers have understood this and are now offering real monsters. Alienware has just updated its Alienware 25. Presentation. Alienware offers high-end 25 and 27 gaming monitors for the best possible gaming experience. That doesn’t stop

Samsung to Market World’s First 5G Tablet in First Quarter

5G is starting to appear. The infrastructures are being set up, slowly but surely. The first compatible smartphones arrive in the hands of the general public. And this is obviously only the beginning of this generation of connectivity … 2019 saw the arrival of the first 5G compatible smartphones on the market, but unfortunately the

Facebook buys Spanish start-up PlayGiga, specialist in cloud gaming

Facebook bought the Spanish start-up PlayGiga, specialist in cloud gaming. The operation, which would amount to 70 million euros, will allow it to accelerate its diversification … and not be too late on the other GAFAMs, which launch their service in turn. Facebook is continuing its efforts in the video game field. Mark Zuckeberg’s company

Samsung and LG to unveil AI-powered refrigerators.

On the occasion of CES, which begins on January 7 in Las Vegas, Samsung and LG will present a new version of their refrigerators, Family Hub and InstaView ThinQ, whose capacities in terms of artificial intelligence should be increased. A few days before CES, manufacturers are unveiling some innovations … with technologies that sometimes seem

Oculus VR: John Carmack becomes a consultant

The co-founder of id Software and co-creator of the Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein licenses now wants to focus on the development of artificial intelligences. Chief technology officer at Oculus VR (a subsidiary of the Facebook social network) for the past five years, John Carmack has contributed to the improvement of the Oculus Rift. In order

Wikipedia co-founder launches a social network without ads

A very daring project launched by Jimmy Wales, who will try to exist against the mastodon Facebook. WT: Social for WikiTribune is a new player in the sector yet very clogged social networks. Where Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have reigned supreme for more than a decade, despite various scandals related to the confidentiality of user

Apple could propose a pack of its services in 2020

Apple today offers many services via paid subscription. And unfortunately, there is currently no pack by grouping several. In other words, you have to subscribe to each separately if you want to take advantage of it. A pack could see the day in 2020. For some time now, there have been rumors that Apple may

Microsoft will stop his Cortana on iOS and Android early 2020

When we think of voice assistants today, we think first of Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. Then come the Apple Siri and other Microsoft Cortana. But they are still there. Microsoft had tried to live his on iOS and Android, without success. With Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa on the front of the stage with

Edge Chromium: a first version is available in test

Microsoft has announced the arrival of a new version of its Edge browser under Chromium compatible with machines using a 64-bit ARM processor. It has been known for some days that the development of the first stable version of Edge Chromium, the new Microsoft Internet browser that uses the same rendering engine of Chrome, is