Oculus VR: John Carmack becomes a consultant

The co-founder of id Software and co-creator of the Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein licenses now wants to focus on the development of artificial intelligences.

Chief technology officer at Oculus VR (a subsidiary of the Facebook social network) for the past five years, John Carmack has contributed to the improvement of the Oculus Rift. In order to dedicate a large part of his time to new projects, he decided to get off his feet by becoming technical consultant director: “I will continue to have my say in the development work, but it will only take a portion modest of my time. As for what I’m going to do with the rest of my time: when I think back to everything I’ve done around games, aerospace and virtual reality, I’ve always felt that I had at least a vague line of sight of the solutions to propose, even if they were unconventional. I sometimes wondered how I would solve a problem for which I would have no idea of ​​the solution. I decided to try before becoming too old. I’m going to work on artificial general intelligence (IGA). I think it’s possible, extremely valuable, and that I have a good chance of making a difference, so, according to Pascal’s logic, I should work on it. “



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