ProGlove Raises $40 Million to Deploy his Connected Glove in Europe

The German company, whose product improves the performance of picking, will enrich its hardware with software.

Headquartered in Munich, Germany, ProGlove has designed connected gloves that can scan parts in a warehouse. What to avoid having to grab a barcode reader permanently.

At the same time, the data is digitized directly in the cloud. Some customers claim that the method has allowed them to achieve an improvement in digitization efficiency of around 50%. The industry’s preferred solution would be used today by some 500 companies in various sectors – such as Bosch, Daimler, BMW or Audi.

The company intends to make its contribution, and these new financings should open the doors that were still closed to him. Today valued at $ 100,000,000, ProGlove intends to recruit heavily to conquer the health sector. But only once she has conquered the international.



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