Cloud storage: OVH and Scaleway break prices against Americans

In the field of object storage, cloud providers are engaged in a real price war. On the one hand, the American giants Amazon, Microsoft and Google do not hesitate to charge for the least processing done on the data they host (Copy, Get, List, Post). On the historical model of Amazon, Google and Microsoft apply, in addition, prices to customers wishing to extract data from its service. A policy obviously designed to discourage users from leaving the ship. In contrast to the American providers, the French players, first and foremost OVH and Scaleway, display much simpler price grids. OVH like Scaleway priced each Go stored € 0.01 per month. Unlike their big brothers, they do not practice any extra cost on treatment operations. As for outgoing traffic, the first limits its pricing to 0.01 e per Go per month and the second to 0.02 e.

Imagine an e-commerce site with a catalog of 1,000 product sheets. Each card has three photos of 350 KB each, about 1 GB in total. At OVH and Scaleway, their loading on the storage space will cost 0.1 euro. A price that for the second will fit into an entry-level package of 5 euros for 500 GB of storage included (see table below). For Amazon and Microsoft, it will cost 0.0215 euro (0.024 dollars) and 0.0166 euros respectively. And at Google, the operation entered into the free entry-level offer. So far, so good.

The only technological difference between Scaleway and OVH, and not the least: the Scaleway storage service API is 100% compatible with that of Amazon S3. The goal is to facilitate AWS migrations to the Iliad cloud storage environment, as well as the reuse of skills and all the tools available for S3.  

Hence the difference of tariff seen above which here seems to be well justified. “Among developers, Amazon S3 technology has become a de facto standard of work, so it made sense for us to implement it and be compatible with its API to make it easier for the community to handle our Object Storage. developers, “comments Arnaud de Bermingham, Managing Director of Scaleway. On the SLA side, OVH and Scaleway are aligned with their US competitors and offer availability commitments that are globally equivalent to the latter (99.9%).



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