Anthos: Google tackles multicloud

This Tuesday, June 18, during the Google Summit in Paris, the group officially presents to the French market its Google Anthos solution. This cloud management platform (CMP) “is designed to deploy applications in different cloud environments, so developers do not have to be familiar with each provider’s APIs, and once the application is created and optimized for Anthos, it can be implemented. work on Google Cloud, but also on other public clouds, and even locally on site, “said Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud.
With the advent of the cloud, we come back to one of the major quests of computing already widely democratized with the emergence of the Java language in the 1990s: write once, run anywhere (develop an application once, and ‘run everywhere). In the wake of the Docker and Kubernetes movements he helped launch, this is what Google is trying to achieve here.
From a monocloud provider, Google is repositioning itself by laying the foundations for a multicloud product policy. This is not the first public cloud to realize this pivot. IBM in the United States and Orange Business Services (OBS) in France followed the same path before it. Capitalizing on the acquisition of the American SoftLayer in 2013, the former had built the IBM Cloud solution.
But in recent years, Big Blue has put some back in favor of an offer of support services to Multicloud. In parallel, it also makes available to its customers a CMP with the purpose of covering again AWS and Azure, not just IBM Cloud. As for OBS, he has also focused on completing his cloud, Flexible Engine, a multicloud outsourcing offer that is based on a homemade CMP.
Anthos makes Google’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google’s Managed Cloud Service, its central runtime engine. Historically available on the public cloud of the Mountain View Group, GKE is also deployable on a private cloud through its GKE On-Prem declination launched mid-2018. So, Anthos can natively manage applications in one or the other universe.