Citymapper offers routes with air-conditioned public transport

To better withstand the heat wave, the urban navigation service now indicates transport solutions with air conditioning.

Citymapper permit to find solutions by public transport to move from one point to another in some major cities. Available both as an app (for Android and iOS) and on the web, the service covers cities like Rome, Barcelona, ​​London, Berlin, Sidney, Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York.

Indeed, Citymapper has added a new function in its search for routes, offering routes using exclusively air-conditioned public transport. A particularly welcome option for all those who suffer from the heat, and who dread to take a subway or an overheated suburban train.

In the app as on the Web, it is sufficient as usual to indicate the starting addresses and to arrive and start the search to see appear among the results proposed a category entitled With the new feature.



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